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Cattlemen’s Blend Texas Taco Seasoning
Cattlemen’s Blend Texas Taco Seasoning: This taco seasoning with a Southwest flair is mild with a bold flavor and none of the heartburn. This seasoning produces a smooth taste for your tacos.
- Cattlemen’s Blend Texas Taco Seasoning: This taco seasoning with a Southwest flair is mild with a bold flavor and none of the heartburn. This seasoning produces a smooth taste for your tacos.
- Uses: Brown meat of choice until cooked. Drain and return to the pan. Add 1 Tablespoon of seasoning for each pound of meat. Stir and add 2/3 Cup water for each tablespoon of seasoning. Simmer on low until most liquid is absorbed. It is ready to serve.
- Ingredients: Mild chimayo, guajillo, and green chili, Garlic, Onion, Paprika, Lime, and selected seasonings.
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